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hammerdaveyboy 10:59 Wed Aug 26
My little girl on X factor Saturday night and is a big West Ham fan for anyone who watches the show!!
Well worth a watch her name is LOUISA JOHNSON!πŸŽ‰

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Texas Iron 2:25 Sun Dec 27
Re: My little girl on X factor Saturday night and is a big West Ham fan for anyone who watches the show!!
Congrats to Louisa for winning...

Always like to see a Hammer Winning...

Well done...hope you have a great career..

Feed Me Chicken 2:21 Sun Dec 27
Re: My little girl on X factor Saturday night and is a big West Ham fan for anyone who watches the show!!
Don't watch x factor, haven't heard the song but I can't see the fact that the song is no good as being the reason it didn't get to number 1. There has been plenty of shit that gets to number 1 even without the might of Cowell behind them. From what i have read the ratings for this show have dropped drastically of late so it seems the sheep of the uk are finally getting bored of it. I do however wish a fellow hammer well, especially when her 50 year dictatorship from Cowell runs out.

Gavros 1:06 Sun Dec 27
Re: My little girl on X factor Saturday night and is a big West Ham fan for anyone who watches the show!!
Give the girl decent material and she'll smash it. Was always going to struggle with that as a Chrisas song, as I said at the time. I assume she's had something signed with US distribution now so with that would come decent, original material which would propel her onto another level.

Bom Stickle 12:47 Sun Dec 27
Re: My little girl on X factor Saturday night and is a big West Ham fan for anyone who watches the show!!
Good luck to her Davey. Haven't heard the Christmas song she released but from what I see on the show she was amazing and maybe a bit of a shame that kids that talented have to go through x factor to be recognised.

I wish her lots of success and a very comfortable life on the back of the win. Seems a lovely girl.

Honest Hammer 12:41 Sun Dec 27
Re: My little girl on X factor Saturday night and is a big West Ham fan for anyone who watches the show!!
I hate the show and everything it symbolises, the modern music industry is horse shit.

I however do recognise the girl is very talented and the chosen route almost guarantees a career so I wish you all well.

hammerdaveyboy 12:40 Sun Dec 27
Re: My little girl on X factor Saturday night and is a big West Ham fan for anyone who watches the show!!
Cheers pennersβš’πŸ‘

penners28 12:39 Sun Dec 27
Re: My little girl on X factor Saturday night and is a big West Ham fan for anyone who watches the show!!
I dont really like the show but she was the best by a million miles. And you came across as a really nice bunch. Fair play

hammerdaveyboy 12:36 Sun Dec 27
Re: My little girl on X factor Saturday night and is a big West Ham fan for anyone who watches the show!!
Things are progressing great guys for those that have shown a general interest πŸ‘
Great things are about to shape up and completely diff to most years I believe πŸ‘βš’
Obv I cannot tell a football forum but as I say good things and thank u to every one of u that did support and gesture nice comments
And for those that didn't thank u too for yr opinions as I always say if we all liked the same things life would be very boring
I just wanted to thank u all once again X

On The Ball 1:59 Sun Dec 27
Re: My little girl on X factor Saturday night and is a big West Ham fan for anyone who watches the show!!
Some people on here seem to think that success is related to talent.

You're fucking joking, right?

Don't watch Pop Idol so have no opinion - but she is incredible x

Alex V 6:52 Sat Dec 26
Re: My little girl on X factor Saturday night and is a big West Ham fan for anyone who watches the show!!
All the more recent winners have had decent careers though - West End shows, lucrative tours, multiple albums, celebrity appearances etc. Louisa will at worst get those opportunities, so it's all good.

HairyHammer 4:08 Sat Dec 26
Re: My little girl on X factor Saturday night and is a big West Ham fan for anyone who watches the show!!

I have seen too many X factor winners get the Christmas no 1 and then go very Awol Matt Cardle Sam Bailey and Shayne Warde just being a few of them.
And although I personally enjoyed Louisa's Crimbo song it is blatantly obvious many did not, that song was chosen for her and probably was the wrong song and having God as the second word in it at Christmas time may have been a big mistake as many would have been far happier with Santa instead.

Northern Sold 11:18 Sat Dec 26
Re: My little girl on X factor Saturday night and is a big West Ham fan for anyone who watches the show!!
SilverSurfer 2:49 Sat Dec 26
Re: My little girl on X factor Saturday night and is a big West Ham fan for anyone who watches the show!!
she needs to release 'Man's World' or something she can get her voice out to.

Agreed.... the old James Brown is a stormer and she is perfectly suited to that... that piece of crap that was the christmas single release I reckon Frank Sinatra would struggle to make it sound good... terrible song

MikeHammer 10:33 Sat Dec 26
Re: My little girl on X factor Saturday night and is a big West Ham fan for anyone who watches the show!!
Hairy - no it does always help going to number 1 too soon but not good with a marketing machine behind it - and such free advertising. - to leak at 9?

HairyHammer 3:11 Sat Dec 26
Re: My little girl on X factor Saturday night and is a big West Ham fan for anyone who watches the show!!
The single was decent enough to be No 1 but as quite a few of us have already said X factor is suffering from fatigue and sadly at the time that probably the best winner the show may have ever had since Leona Lewis in Louisa.

It is much better than the NHS song but we all love our NHS right.
I bought the Louisa single by the way and thought it worthy to buy too.
By the way it does not always help to get to No 1 so soon, the main thing was to win the marathon that is The X factor and she did it brilliantly.

SilverSurfer 2:50 Sat Dec 26
Re: My little girl on X factor Saturday night and is a big West Ham fan for anyone who watches the show!!
maybe 'Barcelona' with a famous tenor.

SilverSurfer 2:49 Sat Dec 26
Re: My little girl on X factor Saturday night and is a big West Ham fan for anyone who watches the show!!
she needs to release 'Man's World' or something she can get her voice out to.

MikeHammer 1:40 Sat Dec 26
Re: My little girl on X factor Saturday night and is a big West Ham fan for anyone who watches the show!!
But there have been much worse from previous winners ... Which are even more forgettable !

AKA ERNIE 1:31 Sat Dec 26
Re: My little girl on X factor Saturday night and is a big West Ham fan for anyone who watches the show!!
single is a pile of shit hardly surprising it flopped

MikeHammer 1:21 Sat Dec 26
Re: My little girl on X factor Saturday night and is a big West Ham fan for anyone who watches the show!!
I think the lowest placed single by a X Factor winner says more about the X Factor and the singles chart than Louisa who was clearly the best singer.

Pancho 12:15 Sun Dec 20
Re: My little girl on X factor Saturday night and is a big West Ham fan for anyone who watches the show!!

I take it you aren't a mod?

Gavros 2:40 Sun Dec 20
Re: My little girl on X factor Saturday night and is a big West Ham fan for anyone who watches the show!!
Yeah I think this should be put to bed now as it'll only encourage the jealous mongs and morons who post up shit.

Well done Lousia and Davey and enjoy all that's coming your way.

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